Friday, October 17, 2003

I am done with this RPS thing for now, If I practice too much than I am just going to think about it all too much and there will go my chances of getting anywhere with the tournament. Time for new rants. While trying to take an afternoon “break” today I went to have a Kit Kat. However after opening it I was a little shocked to discover that it was missing something. That something being the filling. The whole thing was just solid chocolate, no crispy wafer at all! I quickly overcame my disappointment at the realization of the opportunity to attack a large company’s quality control. Should this have made me happy? Probably not, but we will leave that for the psychiatrists of the world to figure out. So Mr. Nestle, my chocolate bar was missing something. What are you going to do about it?

About two months ago I wrote a three page letter to Second Cup head office in regards to a store by my house. What prompted me to write it? Was it the terrible service? The dirt inside and out? The garbage everywhere? The flies? Or was I just in a bad mood? It was probably a bit of a combination of all the above. Whatever the case, I wrote it two months ago and yesterday I got a reply. They sent me a letter, with an apology and a $5 gift certificate. $5? Why bother? We put a lot of trust into the establishments where we choose to eat. We count on them to be clean and up to certain standards. There is a certain level of trust which you will go in with blindly and not even realize the amount of trust that you put into something until that trust is broken. And what does it take to regain that? Is $5 supposed to reestablish a trust that was developed over a number of years? I am sorry, but I can not be bought that cheap. I feel even more insulted after receiving this letter and having them believe that $5 is going to make me a loyal customer again. I think a sincere apology with some follow-up would have been more important, I am not trying to get free stuff out of them, I just was getting sick of the eyesore at the end of the street. Please, don’t insult me. I can not be bought. Especially not for five dollars.

Now let’s wait to see what Nestle has to say.


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