Wednesday, September 22, 2004

There are some things that you just can not explain to others who have only looked in from the outside.

For example... I just got off the phone with an 80 year old woman who is a very good friend of mine. She is almost 4 times my age, although that never is an issue between us. We don't have a grandmother/granddaughter relationship... We are just friends.

I also have a network of women across the world that I can count on anytime I need anything. It is amazing to know that there are people out there who care about others so much, that they would drop anything anytime they are called on. Can you imagine receiving over 400 sympathy letters when your husband passes away? Or Christmas presents when you cant afford to buy anything yourself? Or help finding a job when moving to a new city? Or even just having a place to stay when you want to go on a roadtrip?

For those of you who know what I am talking about... I am sure you understand. No, it is not a cult. It is not buying friends. Its something that just cant really be put into words.

On the outside, those looking in don't understand it. On the inside, those looking out can't explain it.


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