Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Day 3

So once the madness settled down a bit... things have gotten a little crazier. I have a group of 10 girls on a diet, they are all obsessed with their boobs, they are disrepectful, don't like going places when asked, and I still love them.

I really can't complain about my job. I get to pretend to be a camper for a large part of my day, because the best way to know what is going on with my kids is to go and play with them and spend time with them in their program areas. So yesterday, I went to arts and crafts (made a bracelet), volleyball, ceramics (made some ceramic beads), dance, and the pool. Tough day huh?

Had my first well deserved night off last night and had an amazing night out with some of the people I work with. Got to just sit back, relax, have a lot of laughs, and think about the world outside of camp for a while. It is amazing how quickly you forget about that outside world. I haven't read a newspaper in 2 weeks, and have no idea what is going on in the world at all. Someone mentioned something to me about flooding in the prairies, but I have no way to verify.

I have a meeting to get to, so I need to run. Nothing like an early morning meeting to start your day off right!

Talk to you soon, and if there is anything going on in the world that I should know about, write me about it!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

First day

So the kids got here yesterday... which means I have had a whole 4 hours of sleep. They are insane, but I am sure I will grow to love them - I hope so at least. I have an entire group that is on a diet, and another group that all hates each other. One of my counselors refuses to talk to the kids and get involved... Sounds like a typical first day at camp to me :)

Other than that, It is boiling hot here. It hit 98F yesterday and was humid, I think that in Canadian talk that is somewhere in the mid 30's. Didn't cool off at night like it normally does either so this morning I feel pretty gross overall. On my way to my early morning meeting now.

Talk to you all soon!

Thursday, June 23, 2005


I just got stung by a bee. It flew up my pants and stung me twice. It hurts.

That's all for now.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Today is a good day.

I went for a swim, played some basketball, went to a cooking class. Today I feel like a camper. I love it!

Gotta take advantage of it while it lasts... Less than a week until the kids get here.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I never thought it would be possible

I get to spend my summer living in a room smaller than my residence room when I was in university. The room is just big enough for one bookshelf, and two bunk beds. Help.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Today I am sad.

Just having a bummy day. Too may meetings, pouring rain, a little homesick.

Could really use a hug, or some contact with the outside world.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Hot, Hot, Hot

Camp Post: It is crazy down here. I am having a hard time adjusting to going from living in my freezing cold basement to living in a cabin with 10 girls and no air conditioning.

The drive down here was much easier than I thought it would be. armed with good driving music, I made it to Honesdale in an easy 7.5 hours, singing all the way. My throat was a little sore when I got here.

The girls I have met so far have been super nice and I am really looking forward to the summer. I just found out that I am the Group Leader for the Upper Seniors - girls that are going to be going into the 8th grade. Should be a lot of fun. We still have almost 2 weeks of precamp though and I can't wait for the kids to get here already!

Ventured into Honesdale last night to visit my favourite place on earth - Walmart. I can not remember the last time I was in one in Canada, but they have the best stuff for camp. Tonight we are going on a mystery trip into town again, there is just so much excitement in town that we just need to keep going back.

I will update again soon!

Friday, June 10, 2005

My bags are packed.

And my car is too!

I still don't feel like I am ready to leave quite yet, but too late now not to go...

So Friday night is the last night out in Toronto, then it is off to Honesdale, PA. Looking forward to hearing updates from everyone (mail is good, hint, hint) and before you know it, August 13th will be here and I will be back and ready to party!

Have a great summer everyone!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Things not making me smile.

Three days.
To Do Lists.
Coming home early to pack.
Wanting to pack and having no bags.
Things not being where they should be.
People not returning things.
Sharing my bathroom.
Too much music, only 4GB on my iPod mini.
Leaving shoes behind.

On the upside, I got my first phone call from a stripper today....

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Things currently making me smile.

Beautiful weather.
Niagara Falls.
Billy Joel.
Eats, Shoots and Leaves.
Clean cars.
Clean fish.
Clean laundry.
Clean room. (almost)
Organized CDs.
Camp in 6 days.
People writing me letters while I am at camp. (hint, hint)
2 months of sweat pants.
Did I mention sun?