Thursday, July 21, 2005

Visiting day, boys, and bad management

It feels like it has been so long since I have written cause so much has happened...

Let's start with visiting day. I love visiting day. It is a great chance to get some insight into these kids lives. You can tell so much about a child by meeting their parents and even if they are completely different than the parents, you can at least get a feel for where they are coming from when they do crazy things. Visiting day at Bryn Mawr is a lot of fun. The day starts with an early wake up for the girls and the parents start arriving 2-3 hours before we will even let them in. While they are waiting, they get to hang out behind ropes in what we call "holding pens." They come with gifts and candy and all sorts of things and when we finally open the ropes, they come running across camp with their arms full to get to their children. It is quite humorous to watch and you really can't do it justice without the pictures (I will post them when I have a chance). Then the day becomes super easy for us. The kids hang out all day with the parents, and we don't have to worry about anything other than being around to answer the odd question here and there. Visiting day ends mid afternoon at which point the campers start working on male beauty - an event where all of the male staff get dressed up by different cabins as women and compete in a beauty pageant. The kids love it and it somewhat helps to take away the homesickness that tends to accompany visiting day.

Anyway, visiting day over, we try to return to "normal" camp life. Of course, it is camp life on a permanent sugar high since all the kids are eating junk and junk and more junk. Then the boys came. There is a camp that we went to go visit last week that also comes to visit us every year. The girls spend all day making sure that they look gorgeous (which they do) so that they can impress the boys at their social and make out with their choice of the 85 that they came with. To give you a bit of perspective on it... we have 41 girls in the 8th grade, so they had a pretty good ratio going on. Having the boys around is always entertaining. they have a social, watch a movie together and then today we went to a fantastic waterpark.

Last night I had a very inappropriately times conversation with my "manager." Put me into a pretty bad mood which unfortunately killed the fun of having the boys around camp. But that story can be saved for another time.

3 weeks until I get back to Toronto. I am really looking forward to it at this point. I miss everyone lots and can't wait to see you all!

That's all I have for now.


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